Epoxy, Epoxy, Epoxy... We have Epoxy!
PowerCOAT Canada has all kinds of different epoxies for all kinds of different applications! Whether you want to make something look nice or protect something we have the right product for you. PowerCOAT has always been adamant about using the right coating for every application you do to make sure that it lasts as long as it should. Not all epoxies are the same, some are designed for floors, some are designed for walls, some are designed for being underwater and some are not. We will be going into much more detail on each type of epoxy and it's uses as each Newsletter comes out. If you have a unique application please do not hesitate to call us.
Here are some examples of the types of epoxies that PowerCOAT can offer you...
Epoxy concrete coatings in clear or pre-tinted colors like gray or almond
Low Viscosity epoxy for epoxy metallic floors
Super Low Viscosity epoxy for even better epoxy metallic floors (coming soon!)
Casting epoxy for both thin and thick casting projects like river tables or jewelry
Crack Repair epoxy, both vertical and horizontal
Barrier Coat Protection epoxies
Potable Water tank epoxy
Epoxy Primers
Single Component epoxy for coating walls
Epoxy for Corrosion Protection
Damp Application epoxy
Industrial epoxies
Marine epoxies
Waterborne epoxies
Concrete Block Filler epoxy
Ant-Slip epoxy
Direct To Metal epoxy
Direct to Rust epoxy