PowerCOAT Second Floor Addition
PowerCOAT has been growing by leaps and bounds over the last 2 years and we keep outgrowing our space. Well instead of moving again we decided to build a second floor over our showroom
Here is the picture journey of our second floor build. Special thanks go out to our Office Manager Troy Beauregard for taking the lead on this project, our contractor Phil Baril and our close friend Trent Snider. Without these people none of this would have happened.
November 10th, 2021 the showroom floor was prepared by Brad Leblanc of Champion Coatings using his Husqvarna PG450 Grinder. The decorative chip color blend chosen was Domino as this is the most popular decorative chip blend ever sold. A gray epoxy base coat was applied and the Domino chips were broadcast into it. The next day the floor was scraped and vacuumed and the Polyaspartic clear coat was applied. Needless to say the floor turned out beautiful! Thanks to Mark, John, Brad, Troy and Terry for applying the new floor coating in our new showroom.